Thank you for trying COPYright Pro! We think you'll be pleased with it's speed and seamless ease of use. This demo is fully functional, but will only work for 14 days. If you have any questions or comments about COPYright Pro, please call MSA Technical Support at (800) 366-4622 or (412) 471-7170.
This version of COPYright Pro is fully compatible with all versions of System 7, including System 7.5. It is also fully compatible with PowerMacs and Apple System Updater 3.0, and it works very well with all versions of Apple Remote Access.
COPYright Pro's usefullness can be sumed up in one phrase: seamless background copying. This means you have full access to the Finder during a copy, preserving the ability to launch applications, delete files – virtually all normal Finder functions. Simultaneous copying of multiple files to multiple destinations is supported. It maintains a copy history of all files copied to and from any Macintosh. COPYright Pro will save you time by enabling you to continue working during a long file copy or backup.
COPYright Pro also lets you schedule copies. These "pending copies" can occur at any time — hourly, daily, weekly, or at predetermined intervals. You can filter files being copied by name, type, creator, size, modification, creation date, and more. This makes it the "Easiest to Use" back up utility available today. Just drag it, drop it, (set your timer and filters) and forget it.
Fro information on special pricing for the full version of COPYright PRo, please contact MSA at (412) 471-7170, Extension 460 and identify yourself as a COPYright Pro Test Drive User. An MSA client service representative will be happy to assist you. Site license pricing is also available.
To install COPYright Pro:
1. Place the COPYright Control™ file in your System Folder (Control Panels folder).
2. Place the COPYright Pro™ application anywhere on your hard drive.
The following components are included with COPYright Pro:
• COPYright Control Panel: The COPYright Control Panel should be placed in your Control Panels folder during installation. It allows you to specify your COPYright Pro preferences.
• COPYright PRO application: The COPYright Pro application can be located anywhere on your hard drive.
To set your COPYright Pro Preferences, double-click the COPYright Control Panel in your Control Panels folder or select “Preferences” from the File menu of the COPYright Pro application.
Application Preferences:
“Launch on copy” launches COPYright Pro each time you perform a copy.
“Quit after copy” causes COPYright Pro to quit after a copy is complete.
“Stay in background while copying” keeps the COPYright Pro status window in the background.
“Verify floppies” causes COPYright Pro to verify each file that is written to a floppy disk. This option will cause the copy to take longer; however, it is the most reliable way to copy to a floppy disk.
Copy Notification options:
“Notify when copy completes” allows you to select a method of notification (you can play a sound or display an alert) when copies are complete.
“Notify in background only” will notify you of a completed copy when the COPYright Pro status window is operating in the background.
Copy History options:
“Keep a history of copies” will cause COPYright Pro to maintain a list of all copies made to and from your machine (including copies performed with the Finder copy function).
You can select an application in which you wish to view the copy history. The default is Text View, which is provided with COPYright Pro.
You can assign a limit to the size of the copy history, if you wish, by typing the desired limit.
You can also specify the level of detail you want to include in the copy history.
COPYright Pro works the same as the Finder copy function; you simply drag and drop the item you wish to copy and COPYright Pro will intercept the copy.;
If you have not selected the “Stay in background while copying” option in the Preferences area, the COPYright Pro status window will appear.
At this point you can perform any other Finder function, you can even launch another application. If you wish to copy another item, simply drag and drop the item and COPYright Pro will copy it simultaneously. The COPYright Pro status window will appear with an additional progress indicator. The available memory is the only limitation to the number of copies you can perform simultaneously.
Scheduling Copies
COPYright Pro allows you to schedule copies for specific times. You can also schedule copies to repeat at specific intervals. For example, you may wish to copy your Active Projects folder to a server volume each day at 5:00 PM. If the source or destination is an AppleShare file server, you can enter the UserName and Password and the volume will be mounted, if necessary, to complete a scheduled copy. As long as both volumes are turned on at the designated copy time, the scheduled copies will run unattended.
When scheduling copies you can use the filter feature to designate which files to include in a copy. For example, you may wish to specify that your Active Projects copy only include those files which were modified during the course of the day.
To use the scheduling and filters feature, simply hold down the Control key as you drag the items you wish to copy. This action causes the Scheduler dialog box to appear.
When the Scheduler dialog box appears, the copy will be named by default. If you are going to repeat the copy, you may want to rename it descriptively so that you can readily identify it when you open the Copy Schedule.
A scheduled copy can be enabled or disabled by selecting/deselecting the “Enabled” check box on the Scheduler dialog box. You can also enable/disable one or more scheduled copes by selecting them from the Copy Schedule and selecting “Enable selected copies” or “Disable selected copes” from the Scheduler menu.
From the Scheduler dialog box you can execute the copy immediately by clicking the “Now” radio button or you can set a time to execute the copy by clicking the “At...” radio button. If you select the “At...” radio button, you can designate a specific time and date by clicking the arrows.
To change the time, drag the hand on the clock face to the desired time.
To change the date, select the desired month, day, and year from the calendar.
If you wish to repeat the copy at a specific interval, select the “Repeat every” check box and specify the interval by typing a number and making a selection from the pop-up menu.
When you schedule copies, you can specify one of three destination options:
Replace existing items: This option causes COPYright Pro to delete any items (files and folders) with the same names from the target volume before the copy starts. Items with the same names on the target volume get replaced with the copies. If a file does not meet the criterion of a filter, it will not be deleted from the target volume before the copy starts.
Create unique names: This option causes COPYright Pro to add your copies to the target volume. Items on the target volume with the same names will not be replaced. The names of the items you copied will be appended with “copy,” “copy 2,” etc.
Merge items: This option causes COPYright Pro to copy files in the same manner as the “Replace existing items option.” Folders with the same name on the target volume will not be deleted prior to the copy. COPYright Pro will consider each file within the folder; files with the same names on the target volume will be deleted and replaced with the copies.
If a scheduled copy is not completed for any reason, COPYright Pro will present a dialog box which will contain a description of the problem, the cause of the problem and the action that will be taken.
To view the items of a scheduled copy, click “View Items” on the Scheduler dialog box. Click on any item in that area to display the path to the current location of that item. Note: COPYright Pro remembers physical items so scheduled copies will continue even if you rename the items or move the items.
To set a filter:
1. Click the “Filters” button on the Scheduler dialog box.
2. Click “Add Filter.”
3. Use the pop-up menus to set your criteria.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as necessary.
5. Change the conjunction pop-up menu if necessary.
The conjunction that you select tells COPYright Pro how to combine the results of the individual criteria. “And” will include all the files that meet both criterion simultaneously. “Or” will include all the files that meet either criteria.
6. Click “OK” on the Filters dialog box.
You can modify a filter by changing the pop-up menus. To delete a criteria, click on it then click the “Remove” button or press the Delete key on your keyboard.
Copy Schedule
The Copy Schedule lists every copy that you have scheduled. You can view the Copy Schedule by selecting “Open Copy Schedule” from the Scheduler menu. The Copy Schedule indicates the copy name, the date and time each copy was created, the last time the copy took place and the next time the copy is scheduled.;
Double-click a copy in the Copy Schedule to modify it or select it and choose “Modify Scheduled Copy...” from the Scheduler menu.
Disabled copies will be dimmed in the Copy Schedule. To enable these copies, select them (use shift-click to select sequential copies and command-click to select non-sequential copies) and choose “Enable selected copies” from the Scheduler menu. To disable scheduled copies, select them and choose “Disable selected copies” from the Scheduler menu.
To delete scheduled copies from the Copy Schedule, select them and push the Delete key on your keyboard. To delete all scheduled copies, select “Clear All Scheduled Copies” from the Scheduler menu.
Copy History
If you want COPYright Pro to maintain a copy history (including copies done with the Finder copy function), be sure to select “Keep a history of copies” in the COPYright Control Panel. You can open a copy history by selecting “Open History” from the History menu of the COPYright Pro application. The History will be opened using the application you selected in the COPYright Control Panel. You can clear a copy history by selecting “Clear Copy History” from the History menu of the COPYright application. The “Export as Text” command in the History menu of the application will convert the original copy history format to a text file that can be opened with the application that is selected in the COPYright Control Panel.
If you have any questions or comments about our products, please contact MSA at: